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MCE Cambridge IGCSE™ PCB Series

Marshall Cavendish Education Cambridge IGCSE™ Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB) Series

The series supports the full

Cambridge IGCSE and IGCSE (9-1) Physics (0625/0972), Chemistry (0620/0971) and Biology (0610/0970)

syllabuses for examination from 2023. They are designed to excite and engage learners to be curious about scientific concepts and to promote a deep understanding of topics. It consists of both print and digital learning resources that support blended learning. This provides learners with a more complete and flexible learning experience.

Digital Content/ Resources

Why Choose Cambridge IGCSE™
Physics, Chemistry and Biology Series?

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Supports the full Cambridge IGCSE and IGCSE (9-1) Physics (0625/0972), Chemistry (0620/0971) and Biology (0610/0970) syllabuses for examination from 2023

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Has passed Cambridge International’s rigorous quality-assurance process

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Developed by subject experts

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For Cambridge schools worldwide

Series Architecture
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Student’s Book

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Theory Workbook

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Practical Workbook

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Teacher’s Guide

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*These resources will not go through the Cambridge International Education endorsement process.

Resources for Educators and Students


The Student’s Book engages learners through relevant examples and provide a sense of immersion through videos, animations, and interactives to better their understanding in Science. Extensive support and scaffolding are provided to relate concepts across topics and foster a deeper understanding of concepts.

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Comes with thought-provoking questions to bridge the gap between their current knowledge or assumptions, and the concepts.
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Presents practical experiments to test the concepts and verify that these concepts are true. This practical work reinforces the concepts learned by making them concrete and easy to grasp in real life.
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Enrichment feature provides interesting nuggets of information that help learners connect with real-life examples and deepen understanding.


The Theory Workbook provides meaningful reinforcement of concepts covered in the Student’s Book. Each chapter contains a journaling feature to encourage self-reflection, exam-style questions to build exam readiness and comes with formative questions to assess topical understanding.

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Formative questions are scaffolded for subject literacy, starting from multiple-choice questions, word jumbles and crosswords, and progressing to short-answer and structured questions.
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Comes with S.T.E.A.M project that offers the opportunity for group work to encourage critical thinking and inquiry-based knowledge building.
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A mix of questions extracted from Cambridge International’s past papers and author-originated questions in exam-style for learners to practice and build confidence.


The Workbook is designed to complement the Student’s Book and help learners develop necessary investigative and experimental skills. It builds on subject literacy and exam-readiness in learners through activities, experimental and practical work.

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Laboratory-based practical that supplements the student’s book through observations or manipulations of real-life objects or materials.
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Investigations come with probing questions that test students’ understanding of theory and experimental design.
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Comes with tips on good laboratory practice and safety to help students to develop good laboratory habits.


The Teacher’s Guide is developed with flexibility and convenience in mind to support both new and experienced educators in delivering quality and engaging lessons. It contains step-by-step lesson plans which include suggestions for classroom activities and discussions.

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Presenting concepts in a variety of media and forms help students grasp concepts and useful for school and home-based learning.
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Lesson plans are easy to use and are based on 130 hours of teaching as recommended by the syallbus.
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Warm-up and wrap-up activities are provided to stimulate discussion and check understanding, while the challenge and support features provide for differentiated instruction.

  • Enhanced eBooks (Annotatable)
  • Full Solutions for Student’s Book and Workbooks
  • Printable Mindmaps
  • Editable Resources:
  1. Scheme of Work
  2. Lesson Plans
  3. Question Bank
  4. PowerPoint Slides

*These resources will not go through the Cambridge International Education endorsement process.

Browse samples of our book
mce cambridge igcse series students book

Student’s Book

Physics - ISBN 9789814927871
Chemistry - ISBN 9789814927888
Biology - ISBN 9789814927918
mce cambridge igcse series theory work book

Theory Workbook

Physics - ISBN 9789814927949
Chemistry - ISBN 9789814927956
Biology - ISBN 9789814927925
mce cambridge igcse series practical work book

Practical Workbook

Physics - ISBN 9789814927970
Chemistry - ISBN 9789814927956
Biology - ISBN 9789814927925
mce cambridge igcse series teachers guide

Teacher’s Guide

Physics - ISBN 9789814927994
Chemistry - ISBN 9789814941006
Biology - ISBN 9789814927963

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