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A methodology geared for success in a changing world

In an ever-changing education landscape, we keep our ears to the ground and eyes to the future, to deliver curriculum that maximises teaching and learning outcomes. We advocate for problem-solving educational content for develop 21st century competencies and help students thrive in the global workforce.


a student solving maths problem on white board


Problem solving is central to our Mathematics learning content, which is designed based on Singapore Math®, where learning mathematics is more than just numbers, sets of rules, or formulas. Our Maths materials teach learners critical thinking, a key method of solving problems.

The Singapore Math framework involves acquiring and applying mathematical skills in a wide range of problems that are non-routine, open-ended, and based in real-world contexts. Developing mathematical problem-solving ability depends on five interrelated components – concepts, skills, processes, attitudes, and metacognition.

We aim to develop mathematical thinking across both primary and secondary levels. Our primary school titles contain colourful illustrations to support multi-step word problems, while the secondary school titles are structured to hone both critical-thinking and examination skills.

a group of students conducting science experiments


In a technologically-driven, globalised world, it is essential to equip students with skills that enable confidence and success in the future. For the teaching and learning of Science, we offer an inquiry-based approach consistent with the problem-solving based approach in our Mathematics learning materials.

The essence of the Singapore Science framework lies in the spirit of scientific inquiry. The inquiry-based approach is centred around the 5Es – engagement, exploration, explanation, elaboration, and evaluation. The inquiry process helps students build on and acquire new science knowledge by applying various skills and processes that relate science to everyday life, the society, and the environment. We aim to turn students into inquirers who enjoy and value science as a means to exploring the world around them.

two students are playing robots

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

STEM has taken the spotlight in 21st century education. Our success in STEM education began in Hong Kong, where it was introduced as a key focus accompanying the renewal of the school curriculum (also known as Learning to Learn 2.0).

The STEM Academy by Marshall Cavendish Hong Kong which started out in 2016 was an attempt to raise economic standards in the country. Through STEM, we aim to strengthen students’ ability to apply knowledge and skills across subject disciplines.

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