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Mathematics Online Competition 2022
(Malaysia Only)

Marshall Cavendish Education is inviting students from Grades 8 – 9 (ages 14 – 15 in 2022) to take part in the Mathematics Online Regional Competition 2022 involving an A.I., Cerebry! This competition aims to inculcate school cohesiveness and allows educators to have a greater understanding of their students’ Mathematics proficiency levels. Through the A.I. from Cerebry, all participating students will have questions curated based on their proficiency levels and gain a better understanding of the subject.  Not only that, schools will vie for the Top 3 schools in the country based on their Top 3 students average scores per grade level too!  

Competition Brief

The A.I., Cerebry, learns from the way a student completes a question and judges his/her competency level from there. With the help of Cerebry, students will be able to complete Math questions based on their proficiency levels and compete amongst their peers in school.

Cerebry will be testing questions based on 4 key topics:

1. 4 Operations
2. Whole Numbers
3. Fractions & Decimals
4. Algebra

This competition will be held online. Once confirmation of registration has been made, students will receive a Cerebry account where they can log in and answer the questions for the competition. Students are given 45 minutes to complete as many questions as possible. The competition should be conducted in a classroom/ computer lab environment with the presence of at least one teacher. To promote fairness in the competition, every student will receive an individual set of questions with slight adjustments to the numbers to avoid any plagiarism.


contest details



  • 25 March 2022: Information Session
  • 25 March - 29 April: Registration for Competition + Collection of Competition Charges
  • 2 - 13 May: Creation and Sending of Cerebry accounts to Educators
  • 16 May: Start of Competition
  • 16 June: End of Competition
  • 16 - 30 June: Sorting of Winners 8 July: Announcement of Winners via Online Webinar

Competition Charges

Early Bird Pricing (25 March – 8 April only): 20RM / student
Less than / Equals to 100 students: 30RM / student
More than 100 students: 20RM / student

Registration of the competition will only start after the information session on 25 March.

Registration for Info Session

It is important for all teachers to attend this information session as it will share all the necessary competition details teachers will need to know such as:

  • How the competition will take place
  • When the competition starts and ends
  • How to use Cerebry
  • How to log-in to Cerebry
  • Prizes for the competition

Date of Event: 25 March 2022
Time of Event: 3pm
Register Here for Information Session


Top 3 winners per grade level per school.
Top 3 schools in Malaysia. To be announced at a later date.

Terms & Conditions

  1. All information shared to us will follow Marshall Cavendish Education's data protection and privacy
  2. Winners will be informed via email or other communication platforms, depending on the information given.
  3. Winners will be selected based on the results of the A.I. and results are final.
  4. All entries are sent at the risk of the Contestant and in the event that there are technical difficulties experienced arising out of the internet or from any associated equipment or from any associated equipment or internet security is compromised, the Organiser may at its sole and absolute discretion disqualify the entire entry and shall not accept any liability doing so.
  5. The Prize is as stated and is non-transferable and not-for-sale. No cash alternatives will be offered. If due to circumstances beyond the Organiser’s control, the Organiser is unable to provide the stated Prize or any part thereof, the Organiser reserves the right to substitute the prize with an item of equal or greater value, to be determined at the Organisers’ sole discretion.
  6. Late submission will be automatically void.

Gaining access to Cerebry after the competition

This exclusive offer is only available to the first 20 schools who
have participated in the competition.
• Usage of Cerebry (500 student accounts for 2 levels) - $2,100 (before GST)
• Additional accounts (501 onwards) - $10
• Complimentary: Teacher Account

Terms and Conditions
• Applicable to the first 20 schools who participate in the competition
• First-come-first-served basis or within 30 days from the start of the competition
• While stocks last

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